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Ducks and Swans
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Author:  TheFuzzy [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Ducks and Swans

For those following the national food news, you'll know that California's ban on Foie Gras went into effect on July 1, after a 7-year delay. Chefs in CA had 7 years to fight the ban, but were in denial that it would actually be enforced. One contributing factor was a company who promised "cruelty-free" foie gras before the ban, but instead folded two years ago. So, now, after the ban, chefs and producers are fighting a rearguard court battle. Links:


Personally, I have mixed feelings about the ban. On the one hand, I never ate foie gras anyway, and feel like most restaurants abused it as sort of a high-class gourmet condiment. On the other hand, it seems a trifle inconsistent to ban foie gras when the mass of bovine misery which is the Central Valley Feedlots is still legal and operating. Plus, it's hard to support anything advocated by PETA.

Thoughts? Opinions?

In related animal cruelty news, and group in San Francisco has formed to protest the eating of swans, which I didn't even know was a thing*. I guess people who can't get duck will eat swan:

(*=this is actually a hoax put on by my sweetie's choir to promote their upcoming performance of Carmina Burana)

Author:  Amy [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

I love foie gras, although I do understand the arguments against it. But, it does seem slightly hypocritical to me it's been singled out.

The Atlantic article featured Josiah Citrin's restaurant MéIisse. I recently bought his book In Pursuit of Excellence (yah, stupid title), and it has a half dozen recipes featuring or including foie gras. And a couple of them are seriously singing to me.

While any fine dining restaurant can prepare extraordinary dishes which do not include foie gras, it is an ingredient which can elevate any meal.

I'm glad I don't live in California.


Author:  BeckyH [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

They tried this in Chicago, and it didn't work.
I think that banning foie gras is a popular tactic because foie is seen as a luxury item. Feedlots will never be banned as long as people eat fast food hamburgers. Also, many of the claims made by the anti-foie crowd are simply inaccurate. Gavage in and of itself don't really bother the bird. If a producer is keeping their animals in bad conditions what end use is planned for the animal is irrelevant.
I love foie, and the fact that you don't get served a whole lobe on a platter doesn't reduce its appeal.

Author:  Tim [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

BeckyH wrote:
They tried this in Chicago, and it didn't work.

Chicago was really fun because of Doug Sohn, owner of Hot Doug's Encased Meats Emporium. After the ban, Doug proceeded to offer foie gras as a free condiment on his gourmet sausage sandwiches. Check out this wonderful menu: LINKY TO HOT DOUG"S!

The restaurant always has a 1 hour line and is worth the wait. The Duck Fat Fries are wonderful.

Come to Chicago for encased meat and molecular gastronomy.


Author:  TheFuzzy [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans


That's not quite what I mean by "high-class condiment". Good chefs use foie for appropriate things and dishes where it is an integral flavor. Lazy chefs (who outnumber good ones) throw it on top of otherwise dull, unoriginal dishes in order to charge $40 for them ("Scalloped potatoes with Foie Gras!"). Lazy chefs also do this with truffles and truffle oil. Hmmm. You could make a rule from this:

The Mac And Cheese Rule: any chef who starts mixing oddball expensive ingredients into Mac and Cheese has "jumped the shark".

Regarding the CA ban, I just found out something else related to it going through: California's unelected monarch, John Burton, hates foie gras.

Author:  talanhart [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

This is a very disturbing video about Gavage in a French facility.
I have also seen shows where they aren't treated so poorly. They did not mention about only using Males, so it makes me wonder if they left out this part. Does anybody know if the US follows these same practices as in the Video?

Author:  Da Bull Man [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

Me thinks the Guvment should butt out of what I choose to eat...something ironic about legalizing marijuana but criminalizing a 32 oz soda... :!:

Author:  Paul Kierstead [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

Apples and Oranges, Frank. For the soda, they (NY) are regulating what can be *sold*, not what can be possessed or consumed. In the case of marijuana, you can't grow, possess or sell it. Regulating possession (a personal thing) vrs commerce (a society thing) is very different.

In this case they are regulating commerce. I think they are wrong (and wrong in the soda case too), but wouldn't draw parallels to individual freedoms. They aren't telling you what you can eat.

Author:  Da Bull Man [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

I suppose I am conflicted in some (many?) ways... it doesn't bother me (much) to have trans fats looked at with a suspicious eye, but should the consumer or the Guvment be the driving force on the market impact?

I don't particularly like fois but defend others right to eat it...kinda like free speech...might not like what is being said but defend the right for it to be said.

Bottom line is the Gov. does very few things well. They need to focus on the things that they excel at, fois should the least of their concerns...

Author:  jimbo [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ducks and Swans

I view the foie gras banning as a solution to a problem we don't have. I buy a half lobe or so once a year, and I suspect that is way above average. An easy first step to control of what we eat. We are seeing banning of fast food stores, large soft drinks, salt, anything else someone deems unhealthy cruel, or just unsightly. (In NY, 16 oz soft drinks are banned, but pitchers of beer and margaritas are not)

IMO, the government's job in this is to provide me with the facts I need to make intelligent decisions. If I choose to make non intelligent decisions, then that is my right and I am willing to accept the consequences.

One of the intelligent decisions I have made is to never go near California or NYC. I can still buy, for now, my pitcher of soft drink and my foie gras.

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