Cookaholics Bulletin Board

Eat your books
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Author:  gardnercook [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 6:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

wino wrote:
$ worked 1st time for me :o :lol: :twisted: :!:

OK smarty pants....where and when did you enter the code?

Author:  wino [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

Ahhh, come on, ya gotta read the thread to know that I paid my loot BEFORE she offered the code. "Damnit!" says I when she makes that BIG reveal, but then I figure I gotz the chance to make some Brownie points, so I acts like I'm a rich Canadian and says I'd prefer to support the hard workin' souls of the economy. Works like a charm! She thanx me!!!

I could go on but ya know, give 'er your hard earned loot cuz what she's doin' is REAL hard work and $2.08/month ain't nuthin' compared to it!!

Hell, I've only entered 5 titles and EYB has instantly indexed over 11,000 recipes; that's $.000189 per recipe and I gotz a couple hundred books to go! When theyz all entered my calculator gonna burn up :!:

Do the math, B'rer Rabbit! :lol: :lol:

Author:  gardnercook [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

wino wrote:
Ahhh, come on, ya gotta read the thread to know that I paid my loot BEFORE she offered the code. "Damnit!" says I when she makes that BIG reveal, but then I figure I gotz the chance to make some Brownie points, so I acts like I'm a rich Canadian and says I'd prefer to support the hard workin' souls of the economy. Works like a charm! She thanx me!!!

I could go on but ya know, give 'er your hard earned loot cuz what she's doin' is REAL hard work and $2.08/month ain't nuthin' compared to it!!

Hell, I've only entered 5 titles and EYB has instantly indexed over 11,000 recipes; that's $.000189 per recipe and I gotz a couple hundred books to go! When theyz all entered my calculator gonna burn up :!:

Do the math, B'rer Rabbit! :lol: :lol:

Well I don't have an issue paying for the service, I just thought her offer was a nice one and wanted to take her up on it. From what I saw on the site, it is well worth the $25 per year.

Author:  JaneEYB [ Sat Jan 21, 2012 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

Sorry Ilene that you had a problem - try it now with COOKS03 and it should work.
wino - email me at with your EYB username and I'll add 3 months to the end of your membership. It's worth it for the laugh you gave me.

Author:  Amy [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books


I sent a request through the site to index a book (user index, that is), and never got an email back. A number of my books aren't indexed, and I'd like get them into the mix.

I am very thankful Modernist Cuisine is done. Even with their indexes, the volumes can be overwhelming.


Author:  talanhart [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

JaneEYB wrote:
Sorry Ilene that you had a problem - try it now with COOKS03 and it should work.
wino - email me at with your EYB username and I'll add 3 months to the end of your membership. It's worth it for the laugh you gave me.

Thanks for the free trial. I just signed up.

The code worked for me on the first page. Are you entering COOKS03 (zero three)?

Author:  gardnercook [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

talanhart wrote:
JaneEYB wrote:
Sorry Ilene that you had a problem - try it now with COOKS03 and it should work.
wino - email me at with your EYB username and I'll add 3 months to the end of your membership. It's worth it for the laugh you gave me.

Thanks for the free trial. I just signed up.

The code worked for me on the first page. Are you entering COOKS03 (zero three)?

I was doing it last evening and the code was not working, so I just signed up for a full membership.

Thanks to eveyone (Amy and Paul) for pointing us to this is the best thing since sliced bread.
I will really enjoy having it available.

Author:  JaneEYB [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

Amy - sorry I had got a bit behind approving member requests to index books. We had a new feature go up a couple of days ago that members can add any online recipe to the Library and their Bookshelf and it has been a steep learning curve for members. Anyway, I have now caught up (thanks for the nudge!). If you haven't received an approval (as I don't know your EYB username I'm not sure that yours was amongst them) then please email me at and I'll check what happened to your request.

Author:  phoenix [ Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books

I just joined. Looks really good/efficient/useful :D

Author:  TheFuzzy [ Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Eat your books


How do you decide when to index a book? How many can you index per month?

It's unlikely that I would ever complete indexing a book myself ...

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