Cookaholics Bulletin Board

Wagyu U or No No Kobe
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Author:  jimbo [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 12:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

Amy wrote:
jimbo wrote:
I think of Kobe in the same manner as Bordeaux wine. A particular style of wine made in a particular way in a particular area. Therefore, although I have seen American Kobe listed on menus, to me that is bogus.

I agree, although I never disparage a winemaker for saying they make wines in a Bordeaux style. That telegraphs to me the grapes in the wine, and the manner in which they make/age it. So while you cannot in any good conscious say it's a Bordeaux, you at least know (to some extent) what to expect.


Agreed. Bordeaux style (or any one of the other controlled wines) is different than claiming a specific product. Problem is, I see too much Kobe or American Kobe on menus.

Author:  Tatoosh [ Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

TheFuzzy wrote:

Well, it's really up to the rest of the world to acknowledge American property rights. We shouldn't have to pay attention to theirs. Foreign property is just something an American hasn't claimed yet.


This was the first time I had run into this particular bit of info.

Darcie, I do understand that RMAA and others try to enforce ownership rules via civil lawsuits and that is a function of business and corporate America, but they and others have also sought criminal protection for their property rights, which is very much a governmental function. Disney's promotion of the copyright extension aka the Mickey Mouse Protection Act always rubbed me the wrong way, regardless of how fond I was of Walt's kingdom as a kid.

The Wagyu/Kobe Clog Dance (Two sides stamping their feet ... Stamp ... "It IS really Japanese" ... Stamp Stamp back ... "No, No it's not!") is to me, slightly science (aka breed development) and mostly marketing. The Wagyu Association is not some sort of biologically rigorous group like the zoo keepers trying to restore the auroch.

I don't think there is any argument about the validity of saying something is done is the style of or manner of a known commodity or item. I don't think San Francisco style Sourdough is the real thing. The maker has told me up front it is not. But the sourdough is likely inspired by the wonderful flavors of the real thing, whether they manage to meet the standard or not.

But it is all food for thought.

Author:  Da Bull Man [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

As tempting as it might be...I'm not bringing up chili... :lol:

I hope you all are aware of my recently found restaint... :lol:

Author:  wino [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

Yeah, now if we could only tighten that a wee bit more... :o :lol:

P.S. "restaint"???? :lol: :twisted:

Author:  Da Bull Man [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

Note to editors...we really need spell check.. :roll:

Author:  Darcie [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

Paul Kierstead wrote:
I don't blame children for wanting candy, but do hold the parents responsible if they give in too much.

I totally understand your point, Darcie, but citizens at large don't have a lobby groups and it is very specifically the governments duty to protect those citizens in the face of organized groups.

I concur, and our political system makes it very difficult for the people to have their collective voice heard, unless they have billions to direct the conversation. OTOH, most citizens are too busy watching "Sluttiest Housewives" to even notice what is going on until some special interest group works them up into a lather. panem et circenses...

America is a funny place - we have stringent crash requirements that exclude a number of fine, efficient automobiles, but we allow pink slime in tubes of ground beef with no labeling. I have no problem with someone who calls something "xxxxx-style," but I want the label to list ALL of the ingredients, including country of origin. I don't want the government to forbid me from purchasing raw milk, but I think they should put a big warning label on it so I am aware of the risks. If only they would make me queen... :twisted:

I find it interesting that many European countries prohibit the use of superlative terms like better and best in advertisements, but America is a free for all. Have you ever seen a bottle of laundry detergent here that doesn't claim it is 'new and improved'? Makes me wonder how old and inferior their previous product really was. I'm waiting for the improvements that do the laundry for me. :D

Author:  TheFuzzy [ Wed Apr 18, 2012 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

Da Bull Man wrote:
Note to editors...we really need spell check.. :roll:

No, we don't. It's way more fun this way. :P

Author:  Da Bull Man [ Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

TheFuzzy wrote:
Da Bull Man wrote:
Note to editors...we really need spell check.. :roll:

No, we don't. It's way more fun this way. :P

I stand rightfully corrected...with spell check we would never see timeless classics such as the infamous "Tamponade" :lol:

Author:  Chris [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

When I see an American TV chef talking about making a recipe with Kobe beef, they lose credibility with me. They are either uninformed or intentionally trying to mislead viewers.

Author:  jimbo [ Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wagyu U or No No Kobe

It is interesting to note that the American Kobe fad was started in the US by Masami, a leading Japanese Kobe producer. They purchased a ranch in California, Started with some Waygu cattle which were crossed with American breeds, and the product labelled by their distributor as American Kobe or Kobe style (I'm not sure which).

The article, I believe, is essentially correct.

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