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Chocolate Chip cookies - a new favourite
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Author:  jeanf [ Mon May 07, 2012 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Chocolate Chip cookies - a new favourite

I've been making the CI thick and chewy, and the KAF kid's choice versions, but recently tried this one from a blog I enjoy and really, really like them. I love that they call for molasses so I don't need brown sugar to make them (I always have molasses on hand) and they are very good iwth a caramel undertone. Normally I don't like a soft cookie (there's a fine line to me between tasting chewy and tasting raw) but I've not found that with these. I make them a bit smaller than called for and bake for 12 minutes in my oven.

Made them again yesterday for a communion party and a whole bunch of dough balls are in my freezer since I doubled the recipe (which is just close to what a 4.5 qt KA bowl can handle btw) and they were a big hit.

This will likely be my go-to recipe from now on.

Author:  merstar [ Mon May 07, 2012 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chocolate Chip cookies - a new favourite

They sound great, and I like the fact that they have less sugar in proportion to the flour than most recipes. I find most chocolate chip cookies to be too sweet, and I always reduce the sugar. Thanks for posting!

Author:  jeanf [ Sat Apr 13, 2013 8:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Chocolate Chip cookies - a new favourite

Has anyone ever tried Heston B's recipe? I found it on this blog and they sound really really good:

Author:  Cubangirl [ Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Chocolate Chip cookies - a new favourite

Jean, the Heston ones look like my kind of cookie. I reduced the sugar in mine since I don't like them super sweet, but I do add a TBS. of maple syrup. I wonder if Lyle's would be sweeter, never have tasted them side by side. I do like my cookies barely done, if fact I enjoy the raw dough as much as the finished cookies. If I ever get whole powdered eggs, I may make a batch to eat raw :lol: I can happily not eat them if they do not bend without breaking in two.

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