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Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.
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Author:  Emilie [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:49 am ]
Post subject:  Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

I just made a huge pot of chicken pot pie filling and I put too much salt in it. (Obviously I shouldn't be cooking at 2 in the morning even if I'm not sleepy.) I've almost fixed it by adding more broth/cream and thickener (too much trouble to prep/cook more of the vegetables and chicken). I was thinking that it might get it all the way back to normal if I left the salt, or most of the salt, out of the pastry for the crust. So I'm just wondering if that would work or if it would negatively affect the flavor of the crust even when it's tasted in the same bite as the filling. So if any of you pastry pros have an opinion, I'd sure like to hear it.



Author:  jim262 [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

My pastry recipes seldom have more than ΒΌ tsp. of salt per cup of flour. That is probably not enough to balance a pot pie filling that is too salty. I would increase the batch size. As far as I know, that is the only reliable solution.

Author:  gardnercook [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

My mother always added more potatoes to absorb the excess salt. Don't know if that is an option for you, but I have found that it works. Don't think that leaving salt out of the pastry will be enough to compensate....

Author:  Amy [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

You are going to have to extend...really the only way to go. Of course, I wouldn't do it in the middle of the night. ;)


Author:  pepperhead212 [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 11:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

A well known method to reduce the saltiness in Asian dishes is to add a little more sugar. Notice I said more, however; those dishes usually have some sweetness to begin with, so I'm not sure this would work in your filling. I've also seen this mentioned in reference to stocks and soups. Just a pinch or two - not enough to taste sweetness, but enough to reduce the salt sensation.

Author:  cmd2012 [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

I'd maybe let it sit overnight. Sometimes these things mellow with time. Freezing also seems to diminish salt a tiny bit. Neither of these may offer enough correction though. If not, I'd add more veggies (if it's only slightly oversalted) or extend the batch (if it's really oversalted I'd do a 2nd unsalted batch, mix the two and then salt to taste at the end). You'll end up with a huge amount, but pot pies freeze great and make a quick weeknight meal. You could vary them up a bit by making some with biscuit topping, some with potato topping, some with pie crust or phyllo, and my personal favourite is stuffing on top (even if it's Stove Top stuffing)...and that way it wouldn't feel like you are eating pot pies for an eternity. The filling also freezes well on it's own, so you can freeze it in portioned containers, pull it out, top it and bake to order when you feel like it.

Author:  Emilie [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

Thanks so much for the tips, everyone. I just pulled it out of the outside fridge and I think the overnight rest helped -- it's still on the salty side but I don't think anyone in my house will notice. And fortunately this time it's not to take to anyone (pot pie is one of my standard get-well, new baby, etc. meal deliveries, if I have the time), so I don't need to worry about anyone else's tastes.

Carey, you definitely got my attention with the idea of freezing some, esp. since this batch is bigger than I planned. I've been making it for years but had always thought b/c it has potatoes in it, it wouldn't freeze well. Do you freeze them with the top/bottom crusts already on but not baked? And I wonder how long the filling alone would freeze well for? (And I love those ideas for different toppings. DH is a stuffing-a-holic and he would love that option since I refuse to buy Stovetop for holiday meals.)

Thanks again.


p.s. Dave, that's a great tip about adding a bit of sugar to Asian dishes. I frequently make CI's beef and broccoli stir fry and for some reason it's occasionally too salty. I'll remember the sugar the next time that happens.

Author:  Amy [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.


I use 8 oz. ramekins whenever I make pot pies and freeze them. I love having them available whenever I don't feel like making dinner. You freeze them raw (I only use a top crust), and just pop them into the oven still frozen.


Author:  cmd2012 [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

I tend to freeze the filling (potatoes and all) in microwave safe containers. The potato texture changes a bit, but it's not enough to kill the convenience of freezing for me. When I want it, I pull it out, nuke it until it is thawed, put it into whatever serving vessel I want (individual ramekins or gratin dishes, or one big dish - they all work), plop on top of choice, and bake in the oven until done. DH loves the stove top stuffing option (home-made leftover stuffing works great too). My favourite is biscuit topping (or stuffing...I love them both). Mashed potatoes are good too though, and pie crust is classic. Makes a great easy rushed weeknight supper. I do this with beef stew too. CI's carbonnade also freezes great, as does the weeknight chili, serious eats Texas chili, and Ina Garten's pot roast (which if you shred the beef and serve it with the gravy over pasta with sime fresh parmesan or pecorino romano makes a great ragu). I'm not home until 7:30 most nights, so I tend to batch cook on weekends and have individual dinner sized portions frozen for during the week. Tonight was Patak's chicken curry over couscous. Dinner in 5 minutes flat.

Author:  JesBelle [ Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I over-salted my chicken pot pie filling.

Personally, I like my pot pie a little salty. I always freeze mine in mini loaf pans.

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